What do the LED colours of my charging station mean?


Each Smappee charging station has a status LED on the front of the station as well as a status LED near the RFID reader (not applicable for every model). Each state has its own colour and meaning, please see the table below. 

LED colours

LED colour

LED status



White continuous

The Smappee charging station is available for charging.


Blue continuous

Your EV is connected with the Smappee charging station, but it is not yet authorised to charge.


Blue flashing

Your RFID card is currently being authorised.


Green pulsing

The Smappee charging station is charging your EV.


Green continuous

Your EV has stopped charging.


Red continuous

The Smappee charging station is unavailable or an error has occurred.


Red flashing

During authorisation (blue flashing) your RFID card has been refused.


Note that the colours below refer to the colours of the LED light on the outside of the charging station. For the colour codes of the Smappee Connect that is inside the charging station, please refer to this article.


  • When a station has not been activated yet, its LED will be red
  • When a station is set to Plug and Charge it will remain white when losing internet connection
  • When a Station is set to any session activation method that requires authentication (such as Swipe and Charge) then its LED will become red when losing internet connection