How to change my personal settings?

If you want to change / update your profile settings, it is possible to use the Smappee app or the Smappee Dashboard to do this. Following settings can be changed:

  • Username
  • First name
  • Email address
  • Password 

Changing your settings via the Smappee app

To change your settings via the Smappee app, navigate to the following page:

Settings > Your profile

After changing the value, don't forget to press the Update button.

Changing your settings via the Smappee Dashboard

It's also possible to change your settings within the dashboard. Go to the Smappee dashboard and login with the same credentials as you use with your Smappee app.

If you want to change your user name, first name or email address, click the person icon in the right top and select Your profile.


A popup screen will appear where you can update your settings. After changing the settings, click on Save profile.

In case you want to change your password, click on the person icon but then select Change password instead:


A popup screen will appear where you should give in the new password and confirm this. To save the new password click on the button Change password.