My Smappee is defective, what to do?

Please find below what you can do when you believe your Smappee monitor is defective.

Contact your local partner

For any problems with your Smappee monitor, please always contact your local partner that installed/sold the monitor first. They will help you with any questions you might have.

If they determine the monitor is defective, they will exchange the Smappee monitor if it is still covered by the warranty. If the monitor is no longer in warranty, you will have to purchase a new monitor.

Contact Smappee directly

If you purchased the monitor directly from Smappee or the monitor is no longer in warranty, you can contact us at

If the Smappee technician determines from the information provided, the monitor is defective, one of 3 things will happen:

  • The monitor is defective and still in warranty

If our Smappee technician confirms the monitor is defective and it is still in warranty, you will be able to send back the monitor. The technician will then send you another monitor of the same type. The technician will also send instructions how to install this monitor on the location of the defective monitor so no historical data is lost.

  • The monitor is defective but not in warranty anymore

If our Smappee technician confirms the monitor is defective but the monitor is out of warranty, the technician will inform you of this conclusion. You will then have to decide if you want the monitor repaired. If you decide to repair the monitor, our sales department will send you an offer for the repair costs. Once the costs are paid for, you can send back the monitor to us and we will repair the monitor. If we cannot offer a satisfactory repair of your unit, we will send you a refurbished replacement unit.

Please note we don't offer a repair service for our solar energy monitors (serial numbers starting with 110xxxxxxx)

  • The monitor is not defective

If the monitor has been sent back and our Smappee technician concludes the device is working correctly, the technician will inform you of this. We will send you back the monitor but shipping and handling will be at your expenses. These charges are variable and depend on shipping country, box size, etc. Our Smappee technician will clearly inform you of these charges before sending back the monitor.