How do I configure Output Modules in a multigateway setup?

Output Modules can be used to control external devices. In a multigateway setup, the Output Module(s) should be physically connected to one (or more) of the (child) Smappee Connect devices. It will then be possible to control the Output Module(s) using the Smappee app/dashboard or via automations.


The physical connection could look like the diagram below; on one (or more) of the multigateway child setups, you can connect the Output Module(s) to the B-bus:


To configure the Output Module:

  1. In the Smappee app, navigate to the location of the child Connect with the Output Module you want to configure. Then go to 'Smart devices' and follow up the instructions to configure the Output:
    Screenshot_20230307-140136.jpg Picture1.png Screenshot_20230307-140147.jpg

    If there are multiple Output Modules to be configured, follow the above steps for each output.

  2. To control the Output(s) you've just configured, navigate to the parent Genius location and go to the 'Control' tab. Then select 'Smart devices'. Here you will see a list of outputs you have configured and you can control them.
    Screenshot_20230307-140331.jpg Screenshot_20230307-140337.jpg Screenshot_20230307-140453.jpg

  3. If you wish to make automations using these outputs, you can choose 'Automations' on the screen above on the parent Genius location.


Note: Output Modules can only be connected to Smappee Connect devices if they are part of a multigateway setup. Otherwise, the Output Modules must be connected to the Genius.